What is a Multi-Tenant CMS?
Multi-tenant CMS is a centrally hosted CMS instance with a centralized database that serves multiple tenants. Each of them can manage and control their host independently. Businesses who have multiple domains are most likely to use this multi-tenant CMS.
Going further, let’s see some of the major benefits of multi-tenants:
Benefits of Multi-Tenants:
Using multi-tenant applications, you can isolate each tenant’s data. Each tenant has dedicated login credentials so administrators can know actions performed on the platform by each user. It is secure as each user has restricted access in three different ways i.e., restricted access to cloud service, individual resources, and access to data.
Simplify Updates:
Traditional update management involves admins distributing changes to applications and databases. This process needs each customer to have a dedicated server when using single-instance. Thus, it becomes difficult for admins to update each machine. This is when a multi-tenant CMS makes the updating process simple. With multi-tenancy, the distribution package is not installed in a single server and so the updates needed don’t depend on the number of customers. Hence, tenants get timely and automatic updates.
A multi-tenant CMS is scalable because all instances share the same core codebase and can develop on top of shared code. This makes it a better choice for enterprise companies. In a single-tenant CMS solution, developers need to create everything from scratch which can be time-consuming. Whereas, in a multi-tenant architecture, each tenant is using a common infrastructure so there is no need to increase the number of data centers or hosting capacity.
Save More Time:
There will be less investment needed as multi-tenant CMS solutions share their resources, content, files, databases, and folders. As a result, you can increase the number of tenants on your platform. You don’t need to hire a dedicated resource for maintaining each instance, as a single admin can handle it.
